When we first look at the luxury hotel bed, we think it might be a very common luxury hotel bed design. Just like we think someone
is normal people, when we first see him.
It gives you a very different feeling, while you watch it closer. Just like you find someone different, when you know him for a very
long time.
We can't judge someone by his appearance. Just like it takes more time to know the bed better. Luxury golden stainless steel plus
number 1 shape spliced leather.
It's made of vintage leather, like millions of tiny little grape. The headboard is very tall, about 155cm. And the high density foam
make the headboard very full, like growed up lady.
The golden stainless steel is perfectly matching the synthetic leather. Just like integrated one part.
The legs is about 5cm tall. Because this bed is tall enought. To make it stable, we have to use short legs, 5cm is the best. And the
golden legs is final perfect part of the whole bed.
It's absolute the high end option for 5 star hotel, and good choice for home use. Do you want your home to be like hotel? Then,
you can live in hotel everyday!